my clock

Rabu, 16 Mac 2011

love s!ck...

when i miss you, i close my eyes and i can see that person
better i try to forget and erase,
but i get reminded of that person more i told myself
a lie thinking that person would come back
that person never said that she will be coming back
but all i can do is wait
the sin of loving that person a lot
the sin of loving you a lot because of you
and because of sin
im sick of waithe the sin of loving you more
the sin of missing you a lot because of you
and because of sin
im crying with this
i told myself a lie thinking that that person would come back
that person never said
that she will be coming back,
but all i can do is wait
the sin of loving that person a lot
the sin of loving you a lot because of you
and because of sin
im sick of waiting the sin of loving you more
the sin of missing you a lot because of you sin
im crying with pain...
breaking uo is fast, but forgetting is hard
the love is painful, and i hurt alone
did you have to leave that far away from me???
i shouldve loved you with all my life
but you forget me now like a heartless person
i should have loved you with mt all
but now you live forgetting me
with all my life, the person only gave me tears
and left the tough love which i was hurt alone
the sin of loving you more,
the sin of missing you a lot because of you
and because of sin
im crying with this

my love juz for you

it's all lies...all lies
your love for me was all lies
you've hurt me so
you left me crying
you said you'll love only me
protect only me
you love was all lies
you look away my heart and my love
and leaving me was love
my life love is....
only you no one can replace it
but why are you leaving me, you awful person???
i thought you were my love
i thought you were my everything
i believed that you would be my last love
i laughed only for you
i believed in your love and that it was happiness
did you have to leave that far away from me???
i should loved you with all my life
but you forgot me now like a heartless person
i should have love you with my all
but now you live forgetting me
with all my life, the person that i love
that person only gave me tears and left
the though love which i was hurt alone

no title...

don't cry not knowing my heart
don't speak in hate....
my heart collapses and drains
i want to hold on to you...
i want to hold you again and again
be happy, you have to be happy
that's why i am letting you go
so please be happy
i loved you
you were my reason to live
i want to stop you from going
i want to scream and cry
i am going to be patient even i miss you
you know i have nothing to give you
only i can to do is send you my prayers for your happiness

maafkan aque syang

ble aque pejam kan mteku...
bygn kow muncul ddepan aque
sbb aque mseh prlu kow...
ble mlihat gmbr kow...
aer mta aque mnglir mbasahi pipi...
sbb aque mrndui dri kow...
knpe hah???
adkh aque prlu kmbli pda kow???
adkh aque prlukn kow???
adkh aque mseh sygkn kow???
yee. mmg aque mseh sygkn kow...
mseh cntekn kow
mseh sykn kow..
tpi aque tk bleh kmbli pda kow smula
sbb aque tk nk lukakn hti org yg cntekn aque spnuh htinya
& kow msti dah bnci aque
krna aque tngglkn kow tnpe sbb
aque cme x nk kow fed up ngn aque
aque tkot kow tk dpt pe yg kow nk dri aque..
aque tkot kow tk bleh fhm aque...
sbb tuhh aque wt kputusan tuk tngglkn kow
aque rela kow cri owg laen yg sntiase mndmpingi kow